вторник, 22 июля 2014 г.

Гиперболическое вязание

Daina Taimina's work
Декоративные элементы в интерьере,лампы от Даины Тайминой,Рига,Латвия.

irregular hyperbolic lampshade

long hyperbolic lampshade

long hyperbolic lampshade, view 2

hyperbolic lampshade, view 1

hyperbolic lampshade,

pink red trumpet
blue dragon

irregular, white, surface as a lamp shade

red, wavy algae

seifert surface as a lamp shade

seifert surface with borromean rings boundary as a lamp shade

yellow trumpet

irregular hyperbolic lampshade, view 2

hyperbolic lamp shade, view 2

hyperbolic pink cloud, view 1

hyperbolic pink cloud, view 2

hyperbolic disk as a lampshade

blue triangle algae, view 1

blue triangle algae, view 2

white poincare disk with hole as a lampshade

light white


pure white

hyperbolic white blossom

white hyperbolic plane croched with triples
towers of hyperbolic disks and hyperbolic algae

tower of white hyperbolic disks
tower of white hyperbolic disks and white algae
asymmetric green hyperbolic algae
tower of yellow and red hyperbolic disks
hyperbolic surface as lamp shade

red flower

hyperbolic surfaces

large, white hyperbolic surface

white poincare disk

five hyperbolic half planes
polyester yarn, shaped line
white and green hyperbolic surface
polyester yarn, shaped line
1.8 m in height
three hyperbolic half planes as a lamp

three hyperbolic half planes as a lamp, view 2
polyester yarn, shaped line
poincare disk with a point at infinity as a lamp
polyester yarn, shaped line


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